
Drive Shower Products

Custom Summit Max

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In stock: 19 available
Product Details
Custom Summit Max – Fits Bravo’s with IMCO or Latham steering with tie bars. Includes 17 water dump ports that provides 60+ degrees of cooling.

The Physics Behind a Stern Drive Cooling System

NOTE: Simrek Multiport Drive Shower will NOT fit outdrives with Mayfair or Zeiger steering.

For discounts on larger orders or aftermarket steering applications Please call 480-724-8164.

The: “No Drill Brackets” and the “Max Pick-up Port System” are both p rotected by US patent's. The words: “ Simrek ”, “Multiport Driveshower ” and “Halo” are all Registered Trademarks of Simrek Corp. and may not be used anywhere in print without written permission from Simrek Corp.

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*If you're purchasing a combination of different style Drive Showers, please contact us at 480-724-8164 for a combination discount before placing your order.

All Drive Showers $209.95 to $185.95 (in quantities)**

**Quantity discounts for orders of 2, 3, 4 and 5. See Order Page for details.

* FREE USPS Priority Shipping on any size order within the United States

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